


There are several symptoms of cancer need to be aware and should not be ignored. If these early symptoms can be overcome then there is a possible risk of cancer can also be reduced.

Early symptoms of cancer are often ignored by patients because they can disappear by it self. Actually it can not be used as standard. The earlier cancer is detected and treated promptly, the greater the life expectancy of patients.

At least there are 11 symptoms of cancer that should not be ignored, as reported by Lifemojo, Saturday (06/11/2011):

1. Weight loss unexpectedly
Many women would love to lose weight without exercise or strict dieting, but this might turn into cancer symptom, unless not caused by a hyperactive thyroid gland. Therefore, weight loss in a sudden and accidental should not be ignored.

2. Bloating
Bloating is so generally felt by many people, but if you constantly feel bloated for a longer period of time, then that is something that should not be ignored. Beware of other symptoms such as pelvic pain, urinary problems, incontinence (inability to control bowel movements) and a feeling of fullness even without a lot of eating. These symptoms may show symptoms of ovarian cancer.

3. Changes in breasts
To raise awareness breasts cancer, many women today have developed the habit of self examination. They usually look for lumps, but this is not the only symptom. Women also have to be careful of redness and thickening of the skin of the breast, rash for a few weeks will require medical attention.

4. Unusual bleeding
If you are experiencing unusual bleeding between menstrual periods, then it should not be ignored. Unfortunately, many premenopausal women tend to ignore this. This can be a symptom of uterine cancer, endometrial or colorectal. If blood appears in the urine or feces will be more than just hemorrhoids. This could indicate colon cancer, bladder or kidney.

5. Skin changes
Be wary of pigmented skin changes such as excessive bleeding or the formation of a new mole. This can be a symptom of skin cancer.

6. Difficulty to swallowing
Difficulty in swallowing food or discomfort after swallowing the food, if it continues to occur over several days, then must get a doctor's attention. This may show throat cancer.

7. Changes in the mouth
If you are a smoker or consume any form of tobacco, then you will need to check every white patch on the tongue and the inside of the mouth. This can be a sign of cancer of the mouth or leukoplakia.

8. Constant pain
The American Cancer Society states that any continuous pain or pain in the body should be examined as a symptom of cancer, despite all the pain does not always indicate cancer growth.

9. Changes in the lymph nodes
If there is enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck or underarm and lasts for more than a month, it is necessary to get medical attention.

10. Fever and persistent cough
When the fever and cough occur continuously but not caused by influenza or other infections, then it could be a symptom of leukemia or lymphoma. Coughing can accompany a cold or flu and fever, but if the cough persists for more than 3 weeks, it should not be ignored.

11. Changes in testicular
Testicular cancer is more common in men in the age group 20 to 39 years. Testicular self-examination on in a regular basis needs to be done and any changes in appearance should not be ignored.

Eleventh symptoms mentioned above you should not ignore, because maybe these symptoms are the early symptoms of cancer. You should be more vigilant and act preventive because prevention is better than cure.
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