Diabetes is not a cheap disease because people who are already diagnosed with diabetes can not be cured plus the emergence of complications of other diseases that have been waiting. What is the cost incurred for the treatment of diabetes?
"Diabetes is not a cheap disease, diabetes hit when it's expensive costs,"said Dr. Samuel Oetoro, Sp.GK, clinical nutrition specialist from MRCCC Siloam Hospitals Semanggi, in the event Friendly Healthy Discussion with Glucose at House of Aldiron Aerospace, Jakarta , Tuesday (14/06/2011).
a person affected by diabetes because blood sugar levels increase due to disturbances in the body's metabolic system, where the organ pancreas can not produce the hormone insulin the body needs.
Diabetic blood sugar average above 200 mg / dl (the condition is not fasting, 2 hours after meals) or above 126 mg / dl in fasting conditions. Yet to normal, blood sugar is 80-140 mg / dl (not fasting) or less than 100 mg / dl when fasting. Whereas if blood sugar has reached 140 mg/dl-199 mg / dl (not fasting) or 100 mg/dl-125 mg / dl (fasting time) then it is categorized as pre-diabetes (the threshold between normal and diabetes and potentially become diabetic .)
When someone is diagnosed with diabetes, then that person can not be cured, but diabetes can be controlled and managed. But when diabetes is not managed properly, it can cause dangerous complications of various diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and blindness or even amputated.
Here is the estimated costs incurred treatment of diabetic patients, as explained Dr Samuel:
1. Consult with doctors
"Patients with diabetes have to pay USD 1-2 million per year only to a doctor consultation. Not to mention if consultation with a specialist. The doctor specialist could be USD 250-400 thousand once the consultation can be calculated each year how much," says Dr. Samuel.
2. Drugs
3. Surgery (cataract)
Patients with diabetes are also potentially suffered blindness because of cataract when his blood sugar is not well controlled. The operation could cost USD 15-20 million.
4. Dialysis
If diabetes is not controlled can be harmful and damage the kidneys, patients with kidney failure requiring dialysis which cost about USD 50-60 million per year.
5. Stroke
When diabetes causes complications of a stroke, then the cost is USD $ 40-50 million.
6. Heart attack
Meanwhile, when complicated by heart disease could cost USD 60-80 million.
7. Amputation
When injured, diabetic patients will also be difficult to cure and not infrequently have suffered amputation which cost USD 130-150 million.
"Because the cost is expensive, it should be prevented not to get diabetes. Implement a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy, think healthy, resting healthy, healthy activity, healthy environment and additional supplements," says Dr. Samuel.