


London, In future, number of people with mental disorders is estimated increase. Not that many people experience stress, but the criteria are made ​​more lenient. Even a child with a tantrum like behavior can be said of mental illness.

Quoted from the AOL Health, on Thursday (29/07/2010), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a handbook used by mental health professionals in establishing the diagnosis. The guidelines published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

In the latest edition, published in May 2010 the APA entering a new category of mental disorder that has never existed before. The criteria are very lax, so experts fear a normal person can even go in it.
One is tempered dysregulation syndrome or syndromes inability to control anger. The behavior who artifacts in that category are temper tantrums, the behavior of tantrums that are often experienced by children aged 2-5 years.

Another new category is a psychosis risk syndrome, which is given to patients who have not declared psychosis but have the potential to experience it. Symptoms include changes in mood (mood), depression, anxiety and paranoia and occasional hallucinations.

Someone who had difficulty controlling appetite may also be categorized as mental illness is diagnosed using the new guidelines. Therefore, binge eating or overeating are also included as a new category of mental disorder.

"Technically, these classifications which so many would make everyone have a mental disorder. This will trigger the belief that all people need drugs to cope with his condition," said Til Wykes of the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London, said in a recent publication in The Journal of Mental Health.

According to Wykes, the new guidelines could give a wider social impact. Diagnosis of mental illness for a person will have an effect on jobs, relationships with the environment, concentration and sleep patterns even in question.
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