


iPhone 4 and Angry Birds, carve out a world record for the domain of technology and gaming. In a statement released this week, recording a record of thisfamous mention Apple's App Store as a revolutionary gamingplatform in history and has become a serious challenger in thegaming record.

as quoted from Digital Trends on Sunday (15/05/2011), GamingEditor Gaz Deaves Guinness World Records said "The release ofthe iPhone, not just change indsutri mobile, but also the world of video games. Apple has created a large new space for himself in the genre casual games that literally brings entertainment to userswherever they are, "he explained.

In the category of the fastest portable gaming system sales,Guinness World Records named the iPhone 4 in order of numberone. Public also may recall, on the first day of sales on June 24, in2010, 1.5 unitn iPhones sold bak 4 hotcakes

"The game is recognized as the top paid-for games in the AppStore Apple, in 67 regions of the world. Since its launch in December 2009, the Angry Birds listed has sold more than 6.5million copies," says Deaves.
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