


Tumor or neoplasm is an abnormal growth of body tissues. Tumors occur when cells divide excessively in the body. The body is always doing cell division to replace the old cells and dead cells with new ones. If the balance of cell division is not interrupted or running normal then that's where the tumor may form.

Benign tumors can be said if the size is below 1-2 cm, and less likely to experience growth and settling its location and not spread or damage other tissues.

But if there is a tendency in the observations, especially if size is bigger than 2 cm in then tumors can become malignant (malignant tumor) because it is spread, damaging the surrounding tissue and often called cancer.

Tumors are usually caused by a mutation of DNA in cells, the accumulation of these mutations cause tumors. These tumors can be triggered by exposure to chemicals, exposure to too much alcohol, food or environmental toxins, excessive exposure to ultraviolet light, genetic factors or radiation virus.
Symptoms depend on tumor location. Suppose a tumor in the lung have symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, chest pain. Tumors in the colon cause weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, anemia and blood in stool.

But most tumors do not cause symptoms; the symptoms will appear after the disease entered an advanced stage. But the most common tumor symptoms are often felt chills (fever), tiredness, loss of appetite, discomfort in the body, often during sleep night sweats, weight loss and shrinking.
If the tumor is not dangerous (benign tumor) then usually it not needed surgery and doctors don’t perform any treatment. But if there have been a tendency to grow bigger, then surgery is the best way after that followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy to kill the tumor tissue to avoid spreading and active again.
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